Rihanna and Beyoncé throwing kisses at each other during the Grammys

5:28 13 Feb 2017

It has been a glorious night. Beyoncé stepped out to shine on humanity with an AMAZING performance. Blue-Blue looked prouder than ever and Rihanna brought her flask to the awards.

Also, this magical moment that should put an end to all stan wars:

Yes, I pissed myself and shed a tear too. Two amazingly talented and accomplished black women showing love towards each other while the world is busy putting them against each other. Rih <3 Bey 4ever.

Another <3 forever is Blue Ivy stanning her mom. I captured these lil moments during Bey’s performance, just look at how proud she looks:

Mmmm…. Gained some restored faith in humanity tonight.

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Screenshots from Twittah.


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