10:20 18 Jan 2018

The time has come for We found Rihanna to go into archive. It’s been such a journey writing it. I’ve gotten to think, articulate and analyze the fangirl’s position while supporting Rihanna and her art. I’ve shared my thoughts and feelings on being a part of the fanbase and I’ve had the luxury of meeting amazing people thanks to that. A dream come true.

I want to say thank you to every navy who’s contributed. The Fan of the Weeks and the Fan Encounters – I love you all so much. And I love us. And I love being a fangirl.

A special thank you to Nöjesguiden and Jenny, who allowed us/I to have a platform where we/I could share our thoughts and experiences! It’s been great working with you.

To end this propertly, here are some of my favorite pics taken while fangirling:

My first night out stanning. New York. Rihanna walked out of the restaurang not so long after this pic was taken. I had never seen her IRL before and was shocked at the chaos and at the same time so indescribably happy.

And here she is! Tearing up thinking about it!

Rihanna leaving a club in NYC.

Melissa outside a club in NYC. I remember she recognized me while walking in but I got super nervous and shy so I looked away when she said hi. She came out and hung out with us while waiting for a car later though which was everything, obviously.

Me, London, Shawnté and Mel.

Rih leaving Jenn’s birthday party, heading towards the club (where Drake later also shower up).

This truly is the best picture ever taken of me. Look at my eyes hahahahhaa. I’M SO STARSTRUCK yet I remember I was thinking how cool and collected I managed to stay this time hahahaha.

AWT Oslo.

First time front row. 

Died many times this night.

Many, many times.

Something I wish every fan would be able to experience.

A memorih for life.

AWT Copenhagen. Standing in another part of the Golden Circle this time. Which also meant I got to experience the glass bridge like this:

SAUCY @badgalriri

A post shared by Loonin (@loonin) on

Work, AWT Stockholm:

AWT Stockholm.

A post shared by Loonin (@loonin) on

BBHMM from AWT Oslo:

Love on the brain, AWT Oslo:


7:55 25 Dec 2017

Vanligtvis skriver jag uteslutande om Rihanna-relaterade grejer på bloggen, och då på engelska för att fangirls runtom världen ska hänga med. Men i dessa juletider vill jag treat:a mig själv och hela svenskspråkiga internet genom att göra Nöjesguidens framtidsspaning! Direkt från Kramfors, Ångermanland, ger jag er min prognos för 2018:

Vad var det roligaste som hände 2017?
Att Lennart Jähkel tackade ja till att vara med i vår föreställning. Älskar Lennart Jähkel!

Vem gjorde oss stolta ute i världen 2017?
Sveriges bästa, mesta och festligaste barn: Estelle Bernadotte.

Vad ser du fram emot mest 2018?
Att bli klar med min master (!), att spendera mars på Kuba (!!), att kanske välsignas med R9 (!?), att min kille kommer hem igen (!!!) och att gå på mina egna premiärer (!!!!).

Vad slutar vi med 2018?
Hålla patriarkatet om ryggen.

Vad blir trendigt?
Bullet Journaling! Även krukväxter, egenodlade grönsaker, höns och diverse DIY-projekt.

Vad blir årets stora skandal?
Att kapitalismen inte förpassas till historieböckerna.

Vem/vad har satt sin sista potatis?
Rätt många talanglösa män i maktpositioner.

Vem/vad kommer att få aningen för mycket utrymme i massmedia?

Vem/vad kommer få aningen för lite utrymme i massmedia?

Vem skulle du vilja byta liv med 2018?
Rihannas bästis Melissa Forde. Det vill jag varje år.

Vad kommer vi låtsas gilla?
Arbetskamrater? Klasskompisar? Familjemedlemmar?

Vems klädstil vill vi sno?

Vem kommer vi att störa oss på?
Roboten Sophia.

Har du något nyårslöfte?
Som en flitig bullet journalist har jag rätt många. Att ta mina vitaminer och att bli bättre på att vara ärlig, exempelvis.

11:57 20 Dec 2017

Nine Ball has arrived! In the first official trailer for Ocean’s 8, Rihanna steps out as the hacker badass. For a presentation of all the characters in the film: look here.

The story is basically a repeat in concept of other Ocean films, only this time it’s Danny’s (George Clooney) sister Debbie who’s gathering a group of specialists to pull off a scam.

And you know, Hollywood has the men robbing a macho man owner of Las Vegas hotels while an all female cast is set out to rob what looks to be portrayed as a superficial female celebrity at the Met gala. I think it will be a fun movie and enjoy femininity in all surroundings but can’t help but notice how comparing Ocean’s 11 with Ocean’s 8 is like walking into any clothing store and looking at the difference between the boys’ and girls’ department. But yes, let’s all exist in this female dominated world for a while. It’s a welcomed relief from reality tbh. I’m also extremely happy for the cast to have been able to work together.

I think Rih will do the the fun, sassy, stone face character perfectly. Love how they’ve incorporated her own heritage in Nine Ball too, see the Barbados flags in the café shot for example.

Ocean’s 8 will be out in theaters June 8, 2018.

11:57 20 Nov 2017

In exciting news: Rihanna is the guest editor and cover star of Vogue Paris‘ December issue. This is the first time she fronts the magazine, thus completing covers for all the ”big 4” – U.S, Italy, France & the U.K. Actually it’s 3 covers in total, all shot and styled by different people. Find them on stands December 1st!

Cover 1
Shot by – JuergenTeller
Styled by – AnastasiaBarbieri


Cover 2
Shot by – Inez and Vinoodh
Styled by – Mel Ottenberg


Cover 3
Shot by – Jean-Paul Goude
Styled by – Aleksandra Woroniecka


I wonder if she’s wearing STUNNA – Fenty Beauty’s ”lip paint” – on the third one? Did you see her super cute try to at a tutorial on Instagram? I love how active she’s been there lately, you can tell she’s excited about Fenty Beauty because it’s making her post selfies all over the place, comment of people’s pics and interact like the good old days. :)

6:20 10 Nov 2017

I andra omgången av Fangirls Talk pratar jag YouTubers och Rihanna med mina kusiner Lova och Livia Persson. Det blir mycket Jocke och Jonna och jag fattar väldigt lite men det är mysigt och kul att försöka. Inspelat i mitt barndomshem (ett utav dom) dessutom!

Fangirls Talk: YouTubers with my baby cousins Lova and Livia Persson. The video is in Swedish so none Swedish speaking folks will have to sit this one out.