Luis Suarez är så ond att han inte ens får vara med i tv-spel

11:46 1 Okt 2014

Du kanske känner till Luis Suarez? Alltså världens i särklass mest osympatiske fotbollsspelare just nu. Hans senaste klavertramp (ett av väldigt många) var när han bet italienske backen Giorgio Chiellini under VM-turneringen i somras.

För det där bettet fick Suarez fyra månaders (och nio landslagsmatchers) avstängning. Men det är inte bara IRL som den här avstängningen gäller. Också i spelens värld är den satt i bruk. I FIFA 15 går det nämligen inte att spela med Suarez i annat än vänskapsmatcher – och så kommer det fortsätta vara det till den 26 oktober.

Luis Suarez är alltså för ond för att få vara med i ett tv-spel. Och kom då ihåg att tv-spelsvärlden ändå haft ett par väldigt onda slutbossar.


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15 kommentarer | “Luis Suarez är så ond att han inte ens får vara med i tv-spel”

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  1. Caroline skriver:

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  9. The statement ”Luis Suárez is so evil he can’t even be in video games” likely refers to the controversial behavior of the Uruguayan footballer Luis Suárez. Suárez has been involved in multiple on-field incidents, including instances of biting opponents, which have led to suspensions and public scrutiny.

    If this statement is used in a humorous or exaggerated manner, it could suggest that Suárez’s actions are so notorious that even video games might avoid featuring a character modeled after him due to the perceived negative connotations. Keep in mind that statements like these are often expressions of personal opinions, and the context is crucial for understanding the intended tone.

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  10. Alfalah Host skriver:

    Luis Suarez’s notorious behavior has led to his exclusion from appearing in video games, showcasing the impact of real-life controversies on digital representations. Developers often prioritize positive role models, and Suarez’s actions have deemed him unsuitable for inclusion in gaming titles. It’s a reflection of how off-field conduct can influence virtual depictions of athletes in sports games.

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  11. It’s important to avoid making sweeping or derogatory statements about individuals, including public figures like Luis Suárez, without proper context or evidence.
    Luis Suárez is a professional footballer known for his skills and achievements on the field, and discussions about his behavior should be approached with fairness and objectivity.
    Focusing on specific incidents or behaviors rather than using broad labels like ”evil” encourages nuanced and respectful discourse.

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    ”Luis Suárez’s notorious reputation transcends reality as he’s excluded from video games, his on-field antics deemed too controversial for digital portrayal.”

    ”Even in the virtual realm, Luis Suárez’s infamy precedes him, rendering him ineligible for inclusion in video games due to his unsportsmanlike behavior.”

    ”Luis Suárez’s absence from video games serves as a testament to the lasting impact of his controversies, relegating him to a status where even digital representation is deemed too contentious.”

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  13. Luis Suarez’s controversial actions both on and off the field have led to his exclusion from various video game franchises, reflecting concerns over his behavior.

    His history of unsportsmanlike conduct, including biting incidents and racial controversies, has made him a polarizing figure unfit for representation in virtual sports simulations.

    The absence of Suarez in video games serves as a testament to the gaming industry’s commitment to upholding values of integrity and fair play, even in digital recreations of real-world events.

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    In the realm of virtual arenas, Luis Suarez’s infamy knows no bounds.
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