Needed Me and Kiss It Better become singles

12:14 30 Mar 2016

Who’s on her worst behavior dropping not one but TWO singles tomorrow? 



The songs preparing for chart slayment are Kiss It Better at the Top40/Pop Radios and Needed Me, releasing at the Rhythm and Urban Radio Stations. Last time she sent two singles to radio at the same time was back in 2013 with Pour It Up and Stay, even though the PIU video came months later.

Artwork for Needed Me and Kiss It Better.

tumblr_o4touoQfUu1rveoj6o1_1280tumblr_o4tovxRp9o1rveoj6o1_1280Trust Rih to do a double release after fans have been speculating on the next single for weeks. I think most people thought Kiss It Better was headed for a mid summer release so hearing we’re getting it tomorrow (!!) came as somewhat of a surprise. But that’s what the ANTI era is all about. We shouldn’t expect to be able to figure out her moves ahead of time, even if it’s fun playing the guessing game.

And not only are we gonna be watching the songs climb the charts, there’s been videos shot for both tunes as well. For Needed Me, Rih teamed up with Spring breakers’ director Harmony Korine in Miami. Spring Breakers being my favorite movie of all time I can’t even explain how excited I am for ze epic collaboration to us. These photos alone are enough to bust open an artery:

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No official release date have been set for Needed me but we know Kiss It Better video is dropping on Thursday! Here are some teaser images gifted to us by $he herself:

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And some provided by the amazing space called the world wide web….

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