Fan fantasies: ANTI

8:36 1 Apr 2016

With two videos out and one on the way I thought I’d share with you how I saw and felt the songs when they first were released. This is a common thing for fans to do, elaborating and developing their own creative material based on their fave’s work. Fanfiction, basically, even if that’s normally performed in the written form. But if you see it as made up fantasies of what might have happened, or could happen, in regards of your idol or the characters in your favorite book I’d say this fits right in.

These are my fantasies of what the songs off of ANTI look like. I will try to put down a little explanation too, but you’ll have to keep an open mind cause explaining an abstract feeling is pretty much impossible.

Consideration became an immediate favorite for me. I love how quirky it is (for a Rihanna tune) and that she brought SZA on the album. I basically just see a bunch of limbs in front of me, moving, bending and escaping from whatever it is they’re attached to (body, movement, structure, others).

I needed ANTI to understand James Joint. It was together with the other songs, as a whole, that it hit me what an amazing and soothing track this is. I was once into learning how to lucid dream. James Joint makes me want to start trying again.

Key words: Freedom, longing, wanting to escape. Kiss it better is the feeling of a roadtrip, first kiss, last kiss, bungy jumping and getting in between fresh linens all at once.

Well, ok. My first edit was a compilation of Amber Rose and Blac Chyna twerking masterfully, but that seemed a little too obvious for Work so I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and waited. Suddenly a bunch of flexed muscles appeared and thus… ^

Running away, thinking about running away, thinking about fucking up, recovering from fucking up, enjoying the feeling but still searching for more. Desperado is all feels and smoke and unlawfulness.

To be honest I wasn’t feeling Woo at first. I thought it was misplaced and didn’t understand why she choose to include it on the album. So when I started looking for footage to go with it, I was lost. Until the avalanche came. And hit me. And the song hit me. And I realized it’s just a giant slap in the face. It’s a damn force that run you over, take you over, destroy you, transform you and all you can do is let it. I now LOVE Woo.

Aaaaah, Needed me…. I needed IT. This song. From her. Savage being the key word, it’s the SCUM track of the album.

Liquid. Stuff dripping. Sex. Yeah, I said it is steamy, just like every other song she collaborated with Bibi Bourelly on.

A friend of mine had just experienced her first BDSM party and was telling me about that at the time of me making this video, so that might have affected the outcome… But yeah, I see a person who just found something new and exciting at the same time as her inner voice is opposing with a bunch of annoying questions of wether or not this new thing is healthy or just another form of a path already taken, the Same ol’ mistakes. At the end it doesn’t matter though cause it feels good. So good.

Bring your tissues cause Never ending is here. In my mind, this is about aging. In a very heart breaking kind of way. Losing your memory, losing control of your body, losing the ability to move, to interact…

”I can’t feel my body now
I’m separate from here and now”

”A lost connection, oh come back to me
So I can feel alive again
A soul and body try to mend”

”Ghost in the mirror
I knew your face once, but now it’s unclear”

Just imagine wishing to hold on longer, knowing it’s not far left. Wanting to fall in love one last time. Gah, it breaks my heart.

”To be in love again, to be in love again, to be in love again…”

Imagined visuals for Love on the brain is pretty self explanatory…

I really wanted to have Amy Winehouse and only Amy Winehouse but couldn’t pull it off and thus dislike the result. Higher deserves better, but yeah, black and white, feeeeeelings and one too many texts.

I DEMAND to see a ballerina perform Close to you. In my dreams it’s Misty Copeland, the first black woman to become a principal dancer for the American Ballet Theatre, doing it.

Goodnight Gotham is too abstract to put into words. It’s a feeling, a movement, a vision. And I love it that way.

Pose: edgy, in your face, full of itself, cocky.

Confident, sexy, in demand. An image of Rihanna would have been enough because Sex with me is so much her, but I wanted to add Halle Berry, Tasha Jefferson, Beyoncé, Emma Pillsbury and Marlene Dietrich too.



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