11:23 4 Feb 2018

När någon i framtiden frågar mig vad jag gjorde den fjärde februari 2018 så kommer jag alltid minnas denna dag som den då  jag satt i min säng, ensam och Kimgrät hejdlöst till att Kylie Jenner fått barn. 

Jag kommer inte att kommentera detta vidare utan låta klippet nedan tala för sig själv. I skrivande stund har jag nämligen suttit i en halvtimme och försökt sätta ord på varför jag känner så mycket för att Kylie blivit mamma. Men jag kan inte. Men framförallt behöver jag inte. Jag är inte skyldig någon en förklaring till varför jag älskar The Kardashians. Jag tänker inte försvara varför jag gråter och skrattar med dem eller tappar det på folk (mest snubbar) som säger ”de kan fan ingenting, det enda de har är stora rövar”. Herregud, blir förbannad bara jag skriver det.

Jag har växt upp med dem. De har byggt upp något som aldrig förut skådats. HUR kan man inte fascineras av det? Vad skiljer dem från alla trökiga jävla killband som folk avgudar och gör vad som helst för? Hur skiljer det sig att köpa ett läppstift från Kylies sminkmärke mot ha en bandtröja? (We all know varför de inte ses som genier och varför deras karriär förminskas, det var en retorisk fråga). Vi alla avgudar på håll, på olika sätt, men i slutändan är vi hänförda av främlingar.

NU kommenterade jag ändå? Jag kunde inte hålla mig eftersom jag vet att ni där hemma sitter och kokar över att internet går sönder på grund av Kylies barn.

Men vet ni vad? Fuck you guys, we have a baby! /C

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    Hej, jag är den mest lyckliga personen på jordens sida, efter 6 månaders sorg och sorg utan att vara med den jag älskar, försökte jag allt mitt bästa för att jag ska göra min älskare lycklig men det verkar aldrig träna bra det var som att jag gör allt förgäves men allt tack går till Dr Ogundu för att komma att förändra alla mina bekymmer och sorg till glädje. jag kände den stora mannen när jag läste ett underbart vittnesbörd om Dr Ogundu hur han har hjälpt många människor på deras relationsproblem, jag läste en tidning när jag såg stora vittnesbörd, liksom min besvär då bestämde jag mig för att inte slösa bort tiden eftersom jag har missade min älskare så mycket jag bestämde mig för att kontakta honom och dela allt mitt problem med honom som han berättade för mig att inte oroa sig för att han försäkrar mig om att inom 48 timmar allt skulle bli sorterat ut jag trodde Dr Ogundu så mycket på grund av hur han har varit hjälpa många människor, min pojkvän som lämnade mig för gott plötsligt svarade min text och skickade tillbaka mina samtal och bad mig att tacka honom, jag var så glad, är så tacksam mot Dr Ogundu för vad han har gjort för mig och jag lovar att vittna om hans godhet hela mitt liv. Om du passerar samma problem eller något slags problem kontaktar du den här fantastiska mannen på sin e-postadress: drogunduspellcaster@gmail.com

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    Hello friends, I’m Ulrika Anders living from Stockholm Sweden. I’m new here on this blog, i don’t really know much about how things work out here, however i enjoy reading articles good testimony comments here and i also want to add little of my own life experience this will be helpful to many of us here who are seeking for answers and solution to relationship problems, After being marriage with my husband Anderson for Nine years we have no child of our own, i was unable to get pregnant after so many years of marriage. This was a big problem i was having with my husband Anderson and he believe all fault was mine not to get pregnant, Husband broke-up with me because of this problem of unable to get pregnant, I did everything to get him back, I visited doctors in different hospital and other marriage counseling classes but everything was in vain, I want my husband back into my life i love him so much. I prayed him to return with everything, i made promises to him and family members talked with him that the problem is not mine not having a child but he refused. I explained my marriage problem to my best-friend, a colleague at work office and she suggested that I would rather contact a Spiritualist Love-spell caster to return my husband home and bless me with fruit of womb. My friends advised me to contact Dr.Oduduwa the great herbalist from a tropical Saharan region in Africa, that could help me make a love-spell to get husband back home to me, but I’m the kind who never liked to believe in spiritual powers, I had no choice i gave it a try, I send message to Oduduwa private email address (dr.oduduwaspellcaster@gmail.com) the spelling channel. Oduduwa told me there was no problem with me that everything will be fine within 3 days, my husband Anderson will return home to meet me, Oduduwa the Spiritual spellmaster threw the spelling into air, and did every other spelling charms on my behalf in his temple at mid-night.
    Surprisingly the second day it was around 16.00AM. I received a phone call from unknown number, My husband called me on phone, I was so amazed. I answered my phone call, behold it was my husband Anderson calling, we had a long conversation and apologize to me. Husband return back home within 3 days as Oduduwa has said it. Few weeks later i was feeling fiverish, i visited family doctor for check-up, behold i was three weeks pregnant after my husband return back home.
    I am so happy today because just last month i gave birth to a baby boy, after so many years in marriage without having a child, Oduduwa lunched a charm spell to return my husband back home to me and he prepared a Traditional corcorsion medicine for giving me pregnancy to have a child.
    The joy and happiness of heart is too much, Today i have a child and my husband back in love with me. I promised Oduduwa to share my good news result after it work perfectly without no side effect.
    I have this powerful intention that someone having similar marriage/relationship problems to contact Oduduwa for instant solution, email: (herbalisthome01@gmail.com)
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    i). love-spell get back ex-love
    ii). Tradional native roots and herbs to cure Breast CANCER, Pediatric diseases, Respiratory diseases, Cardiovascular, kidney and urinary tract diseases,
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    Cenforce 100mg is an effective medicine for treating erectile dysfunction in men. It contains sildenafil citrate that helps your penile region get enough blood circulation and find strong erections. The medicine also contains some side effects. Take this medicine as prescribed by your doctor. It is available in round-shaped pills which are blue.

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    Vilitra 40Mg is a medicine for treating male sexual functional problems. It contains Vardenafil as the main ingredient contrary to sildenafil citrate that is present in most Men’s Health medications. It pumps enough blood flow to the penile region to give a firm erection. Consume Vilitra with one glass of water.

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    Cenforce Soft Tabs (Sildenafil Citrate Soft Tabs) is an erectile dysfunction medication. Sildenafil is the active ingredient in this breakthrough medication. It is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, which results in increased blood flow to the penis during physical contact. Sildenafil Soft 100mg is also indicated for persons with pulmonary arterial hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia since it relaxes the male sexual organ and improves blood flow to the penis. Cenforce Soft medicine is extremely effective, and a single tablet can help you achieve a hard erection. The medication takes effect in 30 to 40 minutes after ingestion and lasts for 3 to 4 hours.

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    Fildena Professional 100mg is a generic version of Viagra. Fildena is a medication used for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). The main purpose of this medication is to enhance blood flow to the penis. When you have ED, your penis does not get enough blood flow to be able to have an erection. The medicine is produced in a form of pills. Each pill contains 100mg of Sildenafil. Sildenafil is a PDE5 inhibitor.

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    Cenforce 100 blue pills also known as “Weekend Pills” which is also known for their action on many males’ sexual complaints including erectile dysfunction. The drug is also known as Sildenafil citrate Cenforce 100 mg in the market due to its active indigent. The medicine contains 100 mg of active chemical compound sildenafil citrate which relaxes the muscular framework of the penis initiating the increased flow of blood to the male sexual organ.

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    Pain O Soma 500mg contains carisoprodol that helps for short-term treatment for muscle pain. It works best with rest, physiotherapy, and other treatments. You can take this medicine with or without food as directed by your doctor. Dizziness, drowsiness, and headache are some of the side effects that you have to take care of.

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    Pain O Soma 350mg is a muscle relaxer for moderate to severe pain. It is used together with rest and physical therapy for treating skeletal muscle conditions. The medicine may be habit-forming so don’t take it for a longer period. The medication also has some side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, and others.

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