Why would a grown-ass woman thrive off drama?

9:21 7 Okt 2015

Tyngsta intervjun just nu är NY Times med Nicki Minaj där hon totalt stänger ner journalistens döliga jävla frågor. När hon bland annat började ställa frågor om beefen som kollegan Lil’ Wayne har med rapparen Birdman, och Drakes beef med hennes bf Meek Mill, fick hon tvärt nog efter att journalisten frågade om hon ”thrives off drama”.

”That’s disrespectful,” Minaj said, drawing herself up in the chair. ”Why would a grown-ass woman thrive off drama?”

”What do the four men you just named have to do with me thriving off drama?” she asked. ”Why would you even say that? That’s so peculiar. Four grown-ass men are having issues between themselves, and you’re asking me do I thrive off drama?”

She pointed my way, her extended arm all I could see other than the diamonds glinting in her ears. This wasn’t over yet. ”That’s the typical thing that women do. What did you putting me down right there do for you?” she asked. ”Women blame women for things that have nothing to do with them. I really want to know why — as a matter of fact, I don’t. Can we move on, do you have anything else to ask?” she continued. ”To put down a woman for something that men do, as if they’re children and I’m responsible, has nothing to do with you asking stupid questions, because you know that’s not just a stupid question. That’s a premeditated thing you just did.” She called me ”rude” and ”a troublemaker,” said ”Do not speak to me like I’m stupid or beneath you in any way” and, at last, declared, ”I don’t care to speak to you anymore.”


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  1. FATIMA skriver:

    äeeee härlet nicki!!!!!


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