Gill testar: Samsung Gear VR

3:58 13 Feb 2015


”Virtual Reality”. Smaka på ordet bara. Och tanken att trä på sig en hjälm och kliva rakt in i cyberspace. Blir det mer 90-talsromantiskt OCH framtidspeppigt än så? Nu är dom i alla fall här, VR-hjälmarna för hemmabruk. Och jag har fått nöjet att testa Samsung Gear VR – en VR-hjälm för din mobiltelefon (förutsatt att din mobiltelefon är en Samsung Galaxy Note 4).

Så, här kommer den. Den enda recensionen av Samsung Gear VR du behöver se:

6 kommentarer | “Gill testar: Samsung Gear VR”

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  1. Denny skriver:

    The Gear VR with Controller makes it simple to become lost in the realm of virtual reality. A virtual reality headgear made by Samsung Electronics is called the Gear VR.

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  2. The Samsung Gear VR was a virtual reality headset developed in collaboration with Oculus VR. It was designed to work with Samsung’s Galaxy smartphones, providing users with an immersive virtual reality experience. The Gear VR utilized the smartphone’s display and processing power to offer VR content and games.

    Please note that as of my last knowledge update in January 2022, Samsung had discontinued the Gear VR, and there might have been developments or new products in the virtual reality space since then.

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  3. Alfalah Host skriver:

    Samsung Gear VR revolutionizes the way we experience virtual reality, providing a seamless and immersive gaming and entertainment platform. With its ergonomic design and cutting-edge technology, Gear VR transports users to new dimensions of visual and interactive experiences. It’s a game-changer in the VR industry, offering endless possibilities for exploration and entertainment.

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  4. Samsung Gear VR is a virtual reality headset developed by Samsung in partnership with Oculus VR.
    It offers immersive gaming, entertainment, and educational experiences through compatible Samsung smartphones.
    With its lightweight design and intuitive controls, Samsung Gear VR provides accessible entry into the world of virtual reality for users.

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  5. Allied materials skriver:

    Michael Gill delves into the tumultuous backlash faced by Anna, the visionary behind redesigned game characters, as she dared to challenge the status quo.
    In a wave of vitriolic misogyny, Anna finds herself at the center of a storm, confronting the ugly face of sexism in the gaming community.
    Despite the relentless onslaught of hate, Anna’s resilience shines through as she stands firm in her creative vision, refusing to be silenced by the toxic voices seeking to tear her down.
    Gill’s exploration of this troubling phenomenon exposes the deep-seated issues of gender inequality that continue to plague the gaming industry.

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  6. Gill Tests: Samsung Gear VR presents an insightful examination of the virtual reality headset, exploring its capabilities and limitations.

    Through rigorous testing and candid reviews, viewers gain valuable insights into the immersive experiences offered by the device.

    As technology enthusiasts seek to embrace the future of VR, Gill Tests provides valuable guidance for those considering the Samsung Gear VR as their gateway to virtual worlds.

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