Blog down

9:16 27 Jul 2016

Some of you might have noticed that the blog have been down for a while. Without getting too far into it, there are some disagreements between the two of us which led Ebba to delete it. I (Alex) would really like to keep writing down my thoughts and experiences as a fangirl though, so I’ve retrieved some of the content. Not sure how to continue or if it’s even possible on my own, but seeing how I’ve put down a lot of my heart and soul into this space I don’t want it to just vanish into thin air. I’m still very much a navy after all, and even though it’s brought with it some experiences I could have done without, I strongly believe in the importance for us fans to continue on occupying space on and outside of cyber space.



4 kommentarer | “Blog down”

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  1. Christina skriver:


    1. We found Rihanna skriver:

      <3 MUAH!

  2. Elin skriver:

    ❤❤❤❤ yes bae keep it up!

    1. We found Rihanna skriver:

      men gullo! <3


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