2:05 30 Sep 2016

”What Marie Antoinette might wear to the gym, or play tennis in.”

That’s how Rihanna describes her spring/summer 17 collection for Puma. The shows (yup, there was an intermission before a second, slightly different, screening) took place at Hotel de Salomon De Rothschild in Paris. ”I chose Paris because I wanted people to feel the entire tone of the new collection.”, she tells Vogue. Some recognizable faces chosen for the runway was Anwar Hadid, Sita Abellan (Rih’s badass sidekick from the Bitch Better Have My Money music video) and Taylor Hill.


It’s a bomb ass collection and has been declared so by everyone. Yes, everyone. I can guarantee the less expensive pieces like the bow slides, socks and chokers will sell out in no time.


Ok none of them will not be expensive but on the lower end at least. And the hoodies. And the parkas. And the silk dresses. I’ve been wondering when she’d take the silk to Puma. Seeing how it’s her everyday go-to (see this thread for some examples) and all of her fashion collaborations have been about putting her special mark on a brand, silk was just waiting to happen. We didn’t see in her for collection for Puma but with spring the silk has arrived.

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A selection of looks from the SS17 FENTYxPUMA collection. All pictures from

Rihanna’s friends and family was of course there to witness the show, some lucky  Tidal prescribers (our gal Becca being one of them), models Jourdan Dunn, Doutzen Kroes and Sara Sampaio and a bunch of famous fashion folks. If you haven’t already seen the presentation, it’s still available on Just remember to stay tuned after the first show because there will be more.

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