AWT Special Moments: Hartford

9:49 27 Mar 2016

”When Rhenna met Rhenna.”


We talked to Emily to find out how she ended up backstage after the show last night and here is her story:

”Well it all started when someone in the VIP lounge told me that I was reposted on Twitter. I don’t have Twitter though but my once my Instagram name was shared I started getting a lot of follows and a lot of likes. Then Rihanna followed me (!). I told her I was in the front row and would love to meet her afterwards but what really got my backstage was her hairstylist noticing me right as I was leaving the arena.

I originally came by myself but two people were smart enough to stick around with me (and they also got to go backstage) while her hairstylist left for a while. When he came back he says ”yeah sure she’ll love to meet you” and we got to go backstage. There are other people that she knows there too and she goes to greet them first before she heads back to a dressing room. When she came back out it was our turn.

She was really amazed by my costume and couldn’t believe that I made it myself. She was so cute! She smelled amazing and I asked her if she could sign some things and give a shout out to my mom because I told my mom if I get backstage that I’m gonna have Rihanna call her.”


Hey mom @11rosegrey I'm with Rihanna!

A video posted by Emily G. (@emmgrayy) on

Wow! We love to see the navy staying creative and having fun with Rih. This tour has really started out in a magical fashion. Happy our fave seems so content with where she is and what she’s doing. She seems to be in such a good place. And we’re right there with her.



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