Inlägg taggade: AWT Special moments

10:02 23 Mar 2016

Yesterday it was time for ANTI World Tour’s seventh show: Washington, D.C. The tour is looking amazing so far. It feels good to finally see Rih back on the road connecting with her fans! Here are some memorable things that happened last night:

Rihanna meets with Drake’s nieces:


Rihanna pays tributes by dedicating her song Diamonds to the victims of Brussels bombings while asking everyone to but on their flashlight:



Aaaaaaaand Rihanna saying she’s been tryna quit smoking weed haha:


6:19 22 Mar 2016

India drove a 3 hours ride from Memphis to Nashville to get to Rihanna’s concert a couple days ago. She and her friends had tickets for the 4th row, not too far from the stage.

”Once she stepped off that bridge onto the stage my whole life changed”

India tells me how she was crying and acting crazy from being beyond excited about seeing her idol. During the whole concert, India was filming Rih dancing on stage while screaming at her, making Rih look at her several times, smiling.

The next day, India was heading to the mall. While driving the car, she got a million notifications saying Rihanna had posted her video on instagram and called India her BFF. She tells me how she almost wrecked because she was crying out of joy.

”CINCINNATI we coming to get ya!! #ANTIWorldTour P.S. whoever the chick is screaming ”you betta” I love you, and we’re best friends in my head! K? K. ⚓?”

”My best friend of many many years was killed in January and he loved Rih. He was so jealous I was getting to see her and I could feel him at the concert with me. So for her to say she loves me and call me her best friend meant everything to me. I have been distract since his death and she made my entire life. I know he’s smiling above because he knows how much Rihanna means to me. She changed my life.”


John Hall, also known as artbandit85,  first got in contact with Rihanna three years ago at her Diamonds World Tour. She invited him to the show so he could give her his artwork, which did not happen since John stepped outside the building to call her team and wasn’t allowed back in again.

But this time, in Tampa, he was determined to get her his work because of how much Rih had supported John and his craft. To show his appreciation, he painted a painting of Rih the night before she got there.

”I waited outside and she came out chill as hell, eating Cheetos and drinking a Corona. Cool as hell, it was like catching up with a homie. ”

She was more than happy to receive the painting and showed John a crazy amount of love. Here’s a picture and video of John talking to Rih:


7:43 20 Mar 2016

AWT (ANTI World Tour) has hit its fifth date: Cincinnati, Ohio and this time, Terah ”TJ” Stewart is the one to have his dream come true.

”Well the whole thing was surreal. We just wanted to meet/see her and never excepted what happened last night”

Terah went to the Cincinnati show with his friends dressed in Rihanna shirts and the energy during the entire concert was on top. With only three songs left on the setlist Rihanna starts singing FourFiveSeconds.

”I didn’t realise my friends were shouting and pointing at me trying to tell Rih I can sing”

Rihanna sees the fans shouting and pointing and decides to see for herself if it’s true. This is what happened:


☁️9️⃣ #navy #antiworldtour #terahjay

A video posted by TJ (@terahjay) on

Rihanna later that night followed Terah on Twitter. What a magical night!

11:04 18 Mar 2016

Taylor and Nick (who are both followed by Rihanna on Instagram and Twitter) have after months of waiting finally witnessed their first ANTI concert. And it was… AMAZING!

Taylor describes the concert as a masterpiece. From the elegance of the white stage to her beautiful outfits, her dancers/band, the whole production and setlist. He says we need to prepare ourselves and that he’s excited for the rest of us to experience everything ourselves. Other than witnessing a concert that blew him away, he also shared a little special moment with Rihanna during the concert.

Rihanna first noticed Taylor and Nick during her performance of Consideration. She gave them a quick glance/smile. The next time was during Same Ol’ Mistakes when she was looking right at them, waving and smiling (video below). And then, at the end, during Kiss It Better when she was waving goodbye to the audience, she came over to them and did some kind of hand gesture making it look like she wants to meet them outside. (also video below) A meeting between the two fans and Rih never took place but she later that night apologised for that and also thanked them both for showing up.

What a night, huh?

Nick’s Twitter: @RihannaChi

Taylor’s Twitter: @rudeboytaylor