AWT special moments: Tampa

6:01 22 Mar 2016

John Hall, also known as artbandit85,  first got in contact with Rihanna three years ago at her Diamonds World Tour. She invited him to the show so he could give her his artwork, which did not happen since John stepped outside the building to call her team and wasn’t allowed back in again.

But this time, in Tampa, he was determined to get her his work because of how much Rih had supported John and his craft. To show his appreciation, he painted a painting of Rih the night before she got there.

”I waited outside and she came out chill as hell, eating Cheetos and drinking a Corona. Cool as hell, it was like catching up with a homie. ”

She was more than happy to receive the painting and showed John a crazy amount of love. Here’s a picture and video of John talking to Rih:



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