IT’S TIME (!!!!!!!)

7:11 28 Jun 2016

It just hit me. I’m witnessing Rihanna live on Saturday. That’s THIS WEEK. Like HOW did time move so slowly and then just JUMPED on me like this? Today was my last day at work and when I left my co-workers all wished me a happy trip and that’s when it hit me. IT’S TIME.


I have no clue what to wear. I don’t think I’ll be front row because I’m not queuing, but I have Golden Circle Early Entry so I’ll definitely be reallllyyy close. Close enough for her to see me? How the ph do I stand out? Suggestions on this matter are most welcomed (please).


Ebba is already in Manchester together with Hanna and Tara.

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She doesn’t have a computer but told me to forward this to the world:

”I cannot describe how excited we are for the show. TOMORROW. That’s crazy. For now we’re just enjoying the city and chilling at our hotel. There’s a lot of navies in Manchester now. It’s been a long time since I met some navies. And it’s gonna be the first time I’m meeting a lot of my Twitter and Instagram friends so I’m EXCITED.” /Ebba


With Sledgehammer‘s release yesterday and an overall high of emotions over AWT creeping up on us, the past week have been all about preparing gifts. We’ll share the projects we’ve been working on for Rih once they’re all done, promise.

And seeing how the time has come for our shows, we’re gonna try and be better with the updates. Here’s our schedule for the week, make sure to check in for reports on the shows!

June 29th – Manchester (Ebba)
July 2nd – Oslo (Alex)
July 4th – Stockholm (Ebba & Alex)
July 7th – Copenhagen (Ebba & Alex)


Oh, and by the way: if you’re reading this and are attending the Oslo show, let me know! I wanna get in contact with other fans and hopefully find some people to experience it all with. I’ll be in Oslo with family but they have seated tickets and I’m on the floor so… friends needed!



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