Thank God It’s Friday!

2:42 24 Jun 2016

It’s finally Friday. And not just any Friday… it’s the 24th, which means it’s time for Rihanna to perform at her biggest stadium this tour: WEMBLEY!!!!!!! With 91 000 sold out tickets, Rihanna will be the first black female artist to perform at Wembley Stadium on a solo tour this decade. So tonight, we make history.


And of course, the Navy are already there to queue.

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Apparently, there are some issues at the stadium going on right now. Tara, Dan and Ethan tells us security fucked up and people are being crushed and can’t move.

”Basically golden circle aren’t listening and aren’t moving back so the people are threatening not to let them in. It’s actually a mess. People are getting annoyed” – Ethan

”We are all being crushed. And loads of people have been let in front of me, so annoying. The security guards almost took all our tickets off us and kept screaming at us. If you tell anything to the security guards they just scream at you and threaten to take your tickets away” – Dan

But on a happier note… MERCH!


Rihanna stepped out in London last night:



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