Rihanna kisses her own ass while visiting Ewaipanoma (Rihanna) in Berlin

12:47 18 Aug 2016

Remember the giant RiRi on display in Berlin? On June 5th I wrote that ”maybe RiRi will stop by herself during her AWT show in Berlin on August 16? I can definitely see it happen.”. Well, yesterday my predictions came through, documented in an epic story on Rihanna’s snapchat.

Rihanna went to visit the Ewaipanoma made by #JuanSebastianPelaez for #BerlinBiennale #bb9.

A video posted by Loonin (@loonin) on

The day after her Berlin show Rihanna brought Jenn and Leandra to visit her boobs ”the biggest they’ll ever be” (quote RiRi) with the curators from DIS Magazine. Unfortunately the artist behind the piece – Juan Sebastián Peláez – is in Colombia and couldn’t witness the real Rihanna take on his giant onebut responded the only reasonable way when I asked how it felt to have her visiting his art work: ? ?


Rihanna posing in front of her giant past (ewaipanoma) self wearing Rihanna x Dior glasses and a blazer and mini skirt from VETEMENTS Spring 2016 collection.


Elegantly kissing your own ass is a skill everyone should aim to master.

From the archive:
Interview with Juan Sebastián Peláez.
Ewaipanoma (Rihanna) at Berlin Biennale.

The exhibition closes September 18 and is located at the Kunst-Werke Institute for Contemporary Art.


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