Rihanna knows about this blog!!=!=DEADSD

6:10 16 Okt 2016

The headline is not a lie. Robyn Rihanna Fenty knows about this blog, about We found Rihanna, and that’s just beyond. How do I know? Well Melina sent her parts of her interview as Fan of the Month to Rih and she not only read the message, she replied!

I’m so so happy for Melina who’s been getting all this love from Rih lately!! And I’m so so happy for myself to be part of it somehow. She’s liked pictures of me with other fans before and followed me on Twitter for about a year (still don’t know why she unfollowed). This however is the first time I can be certain that she at least knows the name of my blog as well. <333


The girl who knows about this blog joined Paul McCartney on stage for his Desert Trip concert last night.


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