Rihanna claps back at Azealia Banks

11:19 29 Jan 2017

What is going on with Rihanna and Azealia Banks? Well, a lot. Let me walk you through it. It all started with Rihanna reacting to the news of Trump banning 134 000 000 people from entering the U.S based on the origin by calling him an immoral pig. Banks commented on this by defending Trump and saying Rihanna really have nothing to say about the issue since she herself is an immigrant. The whole thing is beyond ugly. Read for yourself below.IMG_6116


Rihanna claps back and manages to throw in a reference to Banks sacrificing chickens in her closet:


The later then left another disgusting comment:


… Rihanna posted yet again and Azealia responded…


Simultaneously, Rih also took the chicken to Twitter where the clap back of the day happened. Peek the caption. All hail our humanitarian queen <3

When you thought it was all over Rihanna made a message she’d received from Azealia’s (with Banks’ phone number) her new Twitter avi. Internet lost it and she soon changed it to a newer-seen-before-selfie, but be sure it was screen shot a million times and will live on forever.


To sum it all up, Fenty left the protests in NYC to engage in her role as Global Ambassador for Education in Malawi. There she used social media to call a pig a pig and stand up against racism, sexism and classism, all in one day. Go Rihanna.


Sidenote: it’s not the first time Azealia’s mad at Rih. Suggestions are it stems from getting cut off of ANTI…




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