AWT special moments: Cincinnati

7:43 20 Mar 2016

AWT (ANTI World Tour) has hit its fifth date: Cincinnati, Ohio and this time, Terah ”TJ” Stewart is the one to have his dream come true.

”Well the whole thing was surreal. We just wanted to meet/see her and never excepted what happened last night”

Terah went to the Cincinnati show with his friends dressed in Rihanna shirts and the energy during the entire concert was on top. With only three songs left on the setlist Rihanna starts singing FourFiveSeconds.

”I didn’t realise my friends were shouting and pointing at me trying to tell Rih I can sing”

Rihanna sees the fans shouting and pointing and decides to see for herself if it’s true. This is what happened:


☁️9️⃣ #navy #antiworldtour #terahjay

A video posted by TJ (@terahjay) on

Rihanna later that night followed Terah on Twitter. What a magical night!

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