Fan of the Week: Burak

11:35 21 Mar 2016
It’s time! Our first ”Fan of the Week” goes to Burak, the owner of Rihannas Rehab.
1) Age

I am 21 years old.

2) Where do you live?

I moved to Cologne (Germany) when I started my studies in 2013.

3) Name?

My real name is Burak, but I am better known as ”RihannaDemos” or my fansite

4) Number of times you’ve seen Rihanna live?

I saw Rihanna for the first time ever when she did her interview at Stefan Raab’s ”TV Total” on November 11 2009. I was 15 back then so I was not allowed to go to the big cities yet, but I begged my cousins and bought the tickets without having any approval at all yet. I attended my first concert in Cologne for the ”LOUD Tour” (2011) and saw her six more times since (another ”LOUD Tour”, all four ”Diamonds Tour” shows in Germany + ”777 Tour” in Berlin).

5) Are you attending ”ANTI WORLD TOUR”?

Yes, I am definitely attending Cologne on July 28 2016, but I am also planning to attend all other three shows in Germany. That will be spontaneous though as it is too close to my graduation. Paper first, fun second.


6) What made you wanna start
Ever since I got my first computer in 2006 I started researching on everything Rihanna, because I literally loved her since Day 1. Me and my Bajan friend were stanning since ”Pon De Replay” played on national TV. In early 2008 I came to a point where I told myself that I have to share my knowledge about Rihanna, her career and person. So I started my fansite to educate the Navy. has a main goal: teach fans about Robyn Rihanna Fenty. That is why you will find no candids, no gossip, no bias, no shade, but the most detailed information you will find anywhere including unique content. The fansite is all love for me, hard work with a lot of time investment, but it is all worth it. Even though I never really met her. Oh and btw: in eight years of running the rehab all fans are entitled to check in, I never let anybody else touch a text – I write my own articles since ever I started.


7) What’s the future of RihannaDemos/ is doing great already, however I want to get independent one day. I cannot, because my fansite is hosted, which means a host is paying my bills and puts their ads on my page in return. I never saw any penny in eight years of running I do not ask for any, but it hurts my ego that other people make use of me. Back when I was 14 and started I had no idea on how to do this on my own, so I applied for the host. The future though? I wanna get rid of anybody. I have no bloody idea on how to implement that though, as they won’t give out my domain explaining it by ”we do not sell our domains to our users”. I would never in my life re-start a fansite under a brandnew domain. Studying ”International Media Management” I made use of all my knowledge to make the fansite grow (it worked PERFECTLY), I cannot lose it. That is where depression starts.

As for RihannaDemos? My ass gon be hired by Rihanna soon. I will join FENTY CORP and take care of her Social Media Marketing. Knowing what the fans really want paired with my business knowledge will be fire. Rihanna, if you are reading this, I will hand in my application with my Bachelor Thesis.

8) If you could work with/for Rihanna one day, what would you wanna do?
”Could”? Serious? I just explained you that I will work for Rihanna. I am not even reaching for the stars, it is indeed becoming reality. I am coming for that wigs. As I told you though: I will be sitting in Los Angeles telling Evan to record more video material, force Mel to take more pictures for Instagram and create magic marketing campaigns to make my girl grow.


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