Fan of the week: Bermuda

11:37 23 Maj 2016

Monday has turned into a bit of a holiday for us as it’s the day we get to introduce you to another navy. For this week’s Fan of the week we’ve talked to Bermuda:

1. Name?
@thottiepebbles on Twitter on Instagram

2. Age?
I’m 22.

3. Where do you live?
I live in Bermuda.

4. Number of times you’ve seen Rihanna live?
I’ve seen Rihanna in concert 7 times.

5. Are you attending ”ANTI WORLD TOUR”?
Yassss, I attended Hartford & Brooklyn x2.


Tell us about your experiences at the AWT! Were there any differences between the shows?
My first AWT experience which was in Hartford was unforgettable, the expression on her face when she saw me in the front row was one I’ll never forget, she’s just the best. My other two AWT dates which were both in Brooklyn was amazing bc I was with other navy that I knew personally. I think that makes the concert 100x better, being around ppl that completely understand.

When did you become a die hard fan?
When I turned 18 I was able to travel alone to concerts and meet other Rihanna navy.

How did you get your follow from Rihanna?
I was front row at The Monster Tour and she remembered me from there. She tweeted this photo:


and I replied saying that she was pointing at us. Kat retweeted it, she saw the tweet and followed me :)

What’s your take on the ANTI era?
The ANTI era is absolutely everything. Her growth in all expects shows in this album/era. It’s gonna be hard to top this era but the crazy part about that is, we all know she will.

Like $he, you’re also from an Island. Does that mean anything in particular to you, in relating to or appreciating her?
Yes, it means a lot and it really makes me appreciate her even more. She’s such an inspiration!

What’s your favorite song, video and era?
At the moment, my favorite song is Love On The Brain.
My favorite video is every LOTB performance.
And I think Unapologetic era was my fave because the fans were more involved.

Are there any negatives to stanning for Rihanna?
The after concert depression is about the worstttttttt thing ever.

If you got the opportunity to work with Rih on something, what would it be and what would be your role?
If I got the opportunity to work with Rih it’ll probably be a photoshoot on a beach and I would be the photographer.

Will you share a personal Rihanna encounter with us? Something she’s told you, taught you or done.
One encounter I can share was at the RiRi by Rihanna perfume meet & greet. I had found out about it just days before it was happening and I booked a flight to New York the next day. Stan life have you doing crazzzyyyy stuff but it was so worth it. When I walked up on the stage to take this picture with her I didn’t say anything, I just smiled and posed. She ended up talking first and saying ”You always come to see me, thank you so much”. I damn near died but that moment made the last minute traveling so worth it.


Lastly, what’s the one thing you should never say to Rihanna fan?
You should never tell a Rihanna fan what Rihanna is doing or going to do because they already know.


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