I’ve decided to make this a monthly feature instead of a weekly one. It’s one of my favorite parts of the blog and I hope to keep introducing you to a lot more fangirls, I just don’t have the time to keep it up as a weekly feature.
With that being said, I’m so happy about introducing you to this girl. She’s one of the most inspirational people I’ve gotten to know in the fanbase and her name is Melina!

Name and age?
Melina, 32.
Where do you live?
Jewelry designer and smith.
Number of times you’ve seen Rihanna live?
I really don’t know the number of times I’ve seen Rihanna live… A lot!
Have you attendet ”ANTI WORLD TOUR”?
I’ve been at 3 ANTI World Tour concerts.

What was the best part of the show?
I have many favorite parts. I really enjoyed the start of the show. It’s so special and it becomes so personal and emotional when she starts the concert with Stay. My heart was shaking and I felt the tears in my throat everytime I experienced it. Love on the Brain is pure magic in every single way live!! I absolutely loved the new version of Man Down. I would lie if I didn’t say that everytime she recognized me or sent kisses to me was so indescribable and definitely favorite parts of the show as well. And when she signed my album I was just in all tears.

You’re one of the lucky people who have Rihanna’s follow on Instagram. How did that happen and how did you react?!
I don’t know what made Rihanna follow me on Instagram. But during that time two other girls that already had Rihanna’s follow made a shoutout on different days and after a while Rihanna followed me. It’s been a few years now that Rih follows me and I still can’t describe how happy and grateful l am for that. My reaction was just pure joy.
Does it affect what you post? Are you thinking about her seeing it?
I used to get a lot of hate for posting private pictures on Instagram and I deactivated my page for a few months last year. I’ve gotten hate for being a mom and having a fan account. But now when I look back at it, that has only made me stronger. I don’t care anymore and will post whatever I feel for in that moment that I’m in.
My account is a mix of personal pictures and Rihanna related pictures. I would post exactly the same pictures even if didn’t have Rihanna’s follow.
Will you share a personal Rihanna encounter with us? Something she’s told you, taught you or done.
Rihanna has written to me many times both privately and under my pictures. She wrote me during both the Diamonds World Tour and the Anti World Tour. Those moments have been my favorites because I felt that my Instagram life and my real life got bound together in a way I never expected. It felt so real and it wasn’t just letters on the screen. It was Rihanna in real life noticing me. That was a dream coming true!

How would you describe the navy?
The Navy is very loyal to Rihanna and dedicated and I really love that.
Some navys are really fake and say anything just to climb in a hierarchy that they’ve created. They’re manipulative, loud, word geniuses behind the screen and in real life they’re quite, basic and act like cheeps. After every concert this year I’ve actually unfollowed a few of this type. So therefore I don’t follow new people often and I don’t want many followers as well. Some are attention seekers and cause problem. I don’t want that in my life.
And we have the other part of the Navy, the good ones :) I’ve gotten to know some navy that are literally like my family. I love them so much and I have their back for life! Everytime I’m in a bad place in life they get me back to a better place again. I’m so grateful for that. That’s something that is so amazing because if it wasn’t for Rihanna I would never have met these beautiful souls around the world.
You’re extremely creative and are starting to be successful within you’re field. Tell us what you do and where we can find your products!
I design modern statement jewelry for my own brand ”Saga Melina”. Every piece is handmade in Sweden. Some of my jewelry have been nominated in design awards and been shown in different magazines, which is absolutely crazy! You can find my pieces in different stores in Sweden and Ireland, on world wide shipping web stores and very soon in England and Hong Kong :)
You can look on www.sagamelina.se.

Jewelry by Saga Melina.
How did you get into arts?
My way to get into art is pretty much tragic but it ended well.
I used to work as project manager for United Nations in Sweden until the moment I hit my head in a traffic accident in 2011. The damages on my brain took away my good memory. I was really bad and when I were at my worst I sometimes forgot what my name was or who I were. It’s been a really hard time, I’ve forgotten like 70% of my memories before the accident and that includes a lot of moments with my children. I couldn’t continue work in the way I used to for United Nations and so I quit.
I started to get interested in working with my hands because it was like therapy for me at that time of difficulty and I noticed that I got an extremely flowing creativity. So I started practicing silversmithing and stone composure for over 2 years. The doctors said that before the accident the intellectual part of my brain was dominant and because of the accident it switched and the creative part took over. During that time I started customizing jewelry and sell through Instagram and that’s the start of Saga Melina. Now because I personally experienced setbacks in life I give 10% of profits to charity annually.
Does Rihanna inspire your creative process?
Rihanna inspires me a lot. Every piece I make is created to exude confidence and promote an individual style. That’s something that I’ve been inspired by her to do.
What are your dreams for the future?
I have many dreams but the biggest one is that my 1 year old son Levi gets healthy from his spinal cord problems and won’t need any more surgery’s. But I know that that’s unfortunately impossible. Another big dream is to see Rihanna wearing my jewelry.
First in line for the Malmö show aka dedicated navy.