Rihanna serving summer inspo

9:24 1 Jun 2016

Yes! The sun has made it to our Northern part of the world and my back is finally the shade of a tomato again. The struggle’s been real but we’ve made it through winter peeps. Celebration is called for. Personally, I do this by resting my eyes on Rihanna’s entrance to this season.


Such a stylish modern boho in her maxi dresses, prints, thigh highs and expensive bras. *prayer hands discreetly wiping off the drool*

And there’s more summer feels to come as she’s gone back to Barbados for some well deserved vaca before the European leg of her world tour starts (GAH THE FIRST STOP IS ONLY 17 DAYS AWAY!!!!!!!).


Almost afraid to post these next pics because panties will get moist and fangirls faint but let’s not let that stop us.

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Hahahahhaaa don’t even know how to react to her anymore?!?! I’ve given up. There’s no proper way of living this life with Rihanna on the same planet.


Even if this is a Rihanna blog, can we stop and paus for Melissa $$ Forde for a sec too? Because….


Also very happy to be getting some Leandra coverage again. No one provides us with better videos than her.



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