Navy Meeting in New York

1:11 29 Mar 2016

Rih has been spending the past days in New York because of the shows she’s having there. And when Rih’s in New York, The Navy is in New York. We have fans flying in from Los Angeles, Portugal and even Brazil to attend the Brooklyn shows. And yesterday, there was a Navy dinner going on at Rih’s favourite restaurant, Da Silvano, hosted by Tay Tay.


”Well I made reservations for the navy to all meet at Da Silvano and have a nice dinner. And after we sat down, we saw pictures of Rih leaving her apartment in SoHo. So we started to hope that she’d come to Da Silvano. Then Cesar (a well known paparazzi in the navy, goes by the name 247paps) DM:ed Rodrigo and asked if we were still at the restaurant. We waited for a while to see if Cesar would update us hoping that she would show up, since he was following her and keeping us posted. But it turns out she was at the Roc Nation office and had been there since we saw pictures of her outside her apartment. So we paid the check and took some group photos outside Da Silvano then we caught cabs to the Roc Nation building she was at and waited there for about 45 minutes. Then she came out. There were soooo many paparazzi that none of us could really see, especially her, from the flash of their cameras. Rayven got to give her the ashtray she made for her. I asked for a pic but Rih put her hand on me and told me to wait since she couldn’t see where she was going, but the cameras only got worse.

But yeah, so we saw her outside the building and that was really it. The food was soooo good and the waiter told us a bunch of stories about him and Rih and showed us pictures of them. Like really rare pictures and videos. We sat right next to where Rih always sits at. It was great.”

And here are some pictures from last night:

Tay Tay on the left, Rayven on the right:

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Sebastian with RiRi:


Navy Meeting:

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Rihanna leaving Roc Nation:


Inside Da Silvano:


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