Lilla Gubby får ben

11:37 5 Mar 2013

Lilla Gubby är med i radio idag:

Lyssna: Gubbhen är en klubb bara för tjejer

Kanske att detta även går i Ekot senare idag vilket ju är fett. Ännu fetare är att Ekot i sitt körschema har skrivit notisen: ”douchebag” betyder typ lite snällare än ”motherfucker”, så slipper du googla..”



Nu är det bara tre dagar kvar och ärligt talat har jag ingen aning om var mitt stora cd-case har tagit vägen i flytten.. Heh..

Men de blir bra tjejer, det blir bra.


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  1. Trulliele skriver:

    Comments should contribute to the discussion. We will not post comments that don’t advance the discussion. Flaming and/or trolling will not be tolerated.A procedure could [url=]Harrison Smith Pink Jersey[/url] cost you tens of thousands of dollars more at one Charlottesville hospital than at another.Health care is one of the most highlyregulated industries, but when it comes to [url=]Kids Quentin Jammer Pink Jersey[/url] how hospitals determine how much they charge for [url=]Nike Cam Newton Panthers Jersey[/url] their work, there is no standard they have to follow.”From a business perspective, we don’t want to charge less than what we know we can get paid, and so we always want to try to [url=]Whitney Mercilus Authentic Jersey[/url] make sure that our charges are greater than what we know we can get paid from the commercial insurers,” he said.So, if [url=]Kids Greg Olsen Limited Jersey[/url] the vast majority of patients will never actually have to pay the full charge, why list it at that amount to begin with? Kuida says hospitals are required to set one price for everyone, regardless of what [url=]Authentic Jacoby Jones Youth Jersey[/url] they actually end up paying.”That’s left to individual hospitals to decide, and that’s where we get that variation in pricing differences,” said Elliot Kuida, the chief operating officer at Martha Jefferson.Data Reveals Drastic Differences in [url=]Authentic Phillip Taylor Youth Jersey[/url] Hospital Bills for Similar CareComments cannot be profane or vulgar. We will not post comments that use profanity or cross the lines of good taste. We will not post comments that use hate speech. Slurs, stereotypes and violent talk aren welcome on our website. Comments should not attack other readers or people featured in our stories personally. Any accusations should be backed up with facts. Any comment we post will be posted in its entirety. We do not edit any comment that we post.Kuida says many factors go into pricing decisions, but the primary concern at Martha Jefferson is making sure they are below or near the Virginia median [url=]Nike Jeff Cumberland Pink Jersey[/url] [url=]Sam Bradford Authentic Jersey[/url] of prices for procedures.Kuida says he does not anticipate future pricing regulations for hospitals. Fitzgerald says the charge structure should not be the main focus.For example, the cost of [url=]Pink Vick Ballard Game Jersey[/url] a major cardiovascular procedure at UVa. Medical Center is listed at $107,266. The same operation at Martha Jefferson Hospital is priced at $50,599. UVa.’s average charge for spinal fusion is $120,839. Martha Jefferson lists it at $64,469.The [url=]Womens Logan Mankins Limited Jersey[/url] data released Wednesday is [url=]Elite Rahim Moore Womens Jersey[/url] the first time the general public is getting an indepth look at how hospital stack up when it comes to prices. The Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services says the numbers are being unleashed ”as part of the Obama administration’s work to make our health care system more affordable and accountable.””At UVa., we benchmark it to academic health centers, so we benchmark our prices to Duke, [url=]Melvin Ingram Elite Jersey[/url] [url=]Bears Lance Briggs Kids Jersey[/url] Wake, Hopkins, Vanderbilt,” said UVa. Medical Center chief [url=]Authentic Arian Foster Youth Jersey[/url] financial officer Larry Fitzgerald. ”When [url=]Pink Tamba Hali Chiefs Jersey[/url] you benchmark us against an appropriate peer group such as that, we benchmark very well.”Meanwhile, UVa. looks at a different set of peers to set prices.”On the very small percentage of patients who are uninsured and have the financial resources to pay the bill and it’s a very small percentage we don’t even charge them what we charge. We give them a discount,” said Fitzgerald.”The point [url=]Authentic Jordy Nelson White Jersey[/url] really shouldn’t be about charges. It should be about the underlying cost,” said Fitzgerald. ”That’s the true issue that we’re dealing with.Data released Wednesday by the federal [url=]Bernard Pollard Authentic Jersey[/url] Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services reveals large disparities in pricing among hospitals in central Virginia [url=]Black Brandon Stokley Game Jersey[/url] as well as across the country. The data outlines how much hospitals charge for the 100 most common inpatient procedures.The amount a hospital charges is not necessarily what they get paid. The government decides how much [url=]Game LaMarr Woodley Kids Jersey[/url] it will pay out of the Medicare charge regardless of a hospital’s base charge, and insurance companies negotiate to bring the cost down. But uninsured patients, without the negotiating power, pay closer to the full list price.


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