Ett uppror kokar i öknen med jj:s nya musikvideo Dynasti

5:48 25 Sep 2014

Ökenscenerier verkar bära på en mytomspunnen praktfullhet med sitt oändliga täcke av sand. Detta faktum har knappast undangått Sveriges kanske mest mytomspunna popduo jj. Resan som tog sin början genom de djupaste av skogar i musikvideon till Inner Light verkar nu ha nått sin ände med den visuella tolkningen av Dynasti. Från dagsklar pseudonarkotisk surrealism bland ökenslättar till en kolsvart natt upplyst av brinnande instrument – inte oväntat har regissörerna Olivia Kastebring och Fabian Sigurd tänkt på alla detaljer.

Under de eldlagda synthtangenterna kokar ett upprop, och den medföljande texten från regissören är genomsyrad av ett politiskt budskap. Detta är tiden före Showan Shattak (Fabian som är en god vän till Showan har även gjort en video dedikerad till honom). Detta är tiden före det feministiska genombrottet och även ifall jj kanske ser tillbaka med vemod så resulterar det hela i något storslaget. 

this is the dynasti when 26 looks back at 24
this is the dynasti when all we wanted was more
this is the dynasti before we grew older
this is the dynasti before you sent no°5 in a zip-folder

this is the dynasti before that last harry potter movie
this is the dynasti before daft punk went groovie
this is the dynasti before the seasons of game of thrones
and before pussy riot entered “holy” zones

this is the dynasti before someone told us sky is the limit
and we rented that sky lift, just to get a wider image

this is the dynasti before sad boys lost gravity
this is the dynasti before someone taught us about naivety
this is the dynasti before they spelled those contracts and wanted us to sign fuzz
and before we begged stole and borrowed everything they never offered us

this is the dynasti before someone told us about money
this is the dynasti before our friends made us richer than honey
this is the dynasti before we knew that this video would be impossible without them
and before we knew our friendship would last until the end

this is the dynasti before hate stroke Showan
this is the dynasti before game was changed by Schyman
this is the dynasti before the world was crying too shy
this is the dynasti before we could go on like nothing happened
this is the dynasti before the streets belonged to us
this is the dynasti before we joined forces
and before bush was fired by moses

this is the dynasti before fågelsången and that twitter
this is the dynasti before you prayed to jesus but bought him on glitter
this is the dynasti before you got a bank deposit box and locked it in
this is the dynasti before we found it on blocket and joined linkedin

this is the dynasti before they dreamt about you and me
this is the dynasti before dean met me
this is the dynasti before we fell apart
this is the dynasti before we were a part of it all

this is the dynasti before
this is the dynasti now

let’s get ready for some mumbo jumbo no° 5   


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