Gran Gran Dolly and Clara Lionel Foundation

1:06 10 Maj 2016

The Clara Lionel Foundation is an organisation that Rihanna founded in 2012 in honor of her grandparents Clara and Lionel Brathwaite. The organisation works to improve the quality of life for communities globally in the areas of health, education, arts and culture.


Rih has been doing charity since she was 18 years old when she started the Believe Foundation. Since then she’s been doing a lot of projects in the fashion world to raise money and awareness to the battle against HIV/AIDS with both H&M and MAC (Viva Glam). She’s also been ambassador for UNICEF’s Tap Project and ”There for the Philippines”.

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Clara (Gran Gran Dolly), Rihanna’s grandmother that the foundation is named after, passed away on June 30th, after a battle with cancer. Rihanna has paid tribute to her grandmother with a tattoo of the Egyptian goddess Isis and on June 30th in Zurich (1 year after Dolly passed away) a fan showed this sign to Rihanna while performing Diamonds.


The foundation has an annual Diamond Ball in December that’s been going on since 2014. The Diamond Ball is a fundraiser to benefit the CLF. Celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Big Sean, Kylie Jenner, Brad Pitt, Will Smith, Lionel Richie, Zendaya, Kevin Hart, Ne-yo and Ellen Pompeo has been seen at the event.

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Today, Rihanna announced that they will be launching college scholarship programs through the foundation. Applications are open until June 10th for students in the US, Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, Brazil, Cuba and Guyana.

”A lot of these kids, they’re really smart and they’re doing really well in school, but they may not have the access or the financial stability to take it any further than that. That’s why we started this program.” – Rihanna

Below are two videos where Rihanna and her mother speak about their vision for the foundation and it’s future. We couldn’t be prouder.


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