New video alert: Goodnight Gotham

5:06 30 Jul 2016

Rihanna released her video for Goodnight Gotham today!! It was shot at Trocadero Square, Paris, all the way back in December, 2014. Since then, all we’ve known is that she invited fans to meet up at the square and later came running towards them with Goodnight Gotham playing in the background. But today, what was then called the ”R8 experience” popped up as a visual for the ANTI track.

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Seeing how the video doesn’t give us anything we haven’t already seen, the song being more of an interlude (and featured in Dior’s Secret Garden IV) – I’m not too excited about it. Of course it’s nice to see the finished material, but it should have happened closer to the day it was shot tbh. Here’s to hoping the fact that Goodnight Gotham got a video means all songs off of ANTI will receive one though!


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