Rihanna and Drake kiss, cuddle and get matching tattoos

9:45 1 Sep 2016

Once you make it official there’s no point in holding back, right? That sure seems to be the case with Aubrih. Since the VMAs they’ve been locking lips on stage during Drake’s Summer Sixteen Tour, walking hand in hand, doing some real dirty dancing on the dance floor and: gotten matching tattoos. At least we think they did, Drake’s is yet to be revealed.

So remember how Rihanna flew out to Toronto an OVO fest between her Paris and Malmö show? She didn’t just go there to spend time with Drake on stage, the two of them had a secret date at Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada (he rented the entire place for them to share some alone time together) and from the looks of it, it was a real special night.


During the date Drake gave Rihanna a stuffed shark which she’s been seen carrying around ever since.


And last night she had it tattooed on her left ankle. Yep. That’s right.


The tattoo was done by Keith “Bang Bang” McCurdy (who’s IG caption reads ”tattooing the amazing @badgalriri + @champagnepapi” which is why we’re thinking it’s hiding somewhere on Drizzy’s body as well) backstage.

Rihanna’s sported it under a bandage as she performed Bitch better have my money and Work and while we’re talking about that: what a performance. I’m not sure how to properly explain this for everyone to understand the impact, but to type down exactly what happened: Rihanna grabbed Drake’s neck and stimulated getting oral on stage. At his concert. In front of his fans. And his crew. It reminded me of the scene in Spring Breakers where two of the girls get James Franco’s character to give his own (loaded) gun a blow job.

When she gets done with work in Europe and comes over to Miami. #Rihanna #Drake #Aubrih #Is #Alive

A video posted by Loonin (@loonin) on


Then they kissed, and properly this time. Probably to make up for the mess at the VMAs lol.


After the show it’s the after party and the couple once again headed to E11EVEN Nightclub where, well, this happened.


The navy is all over the place photoshopping wedding pictures and researching baby names. Which is about as much fun we’ve had on social media after Rihanna’s pullback from such. I.e the excitement is real. Over and out from your number.1 Aubrih shipper!


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