Rihanna and Lupita Nyong’o making a Bitch Better Have My Money inspired movie together?

4:03 25 Apr 2017

It’s been a couple of wild days on social media, to say the least. It all started when Lupita Nyong’o saw this Tweet:

And replied with this message to Rihanna:

To which RiRi said:

Later explaining Pit’z is her nickname for Lupita…

Lupita got as happy as the rest of the world upon hearing this:

Next up was writer Issa Rae. As fans suggested she should be part of the project, she was quick to affirm she’s ON IT.

Rihanna’s funny ass didn’t waste a second to follow up on the third member of the fanfic production:

Last but not least, Ava DuVernay jumped on board as director of the movie. Glory:

Lionsgate tweeted about being ready to make a deal this very week and truth be told, there’s probably not a single person in the movie industry who wouldn’t want to be part of this set up. So please, PLEASE make it happen.

“Oh I’m definitely going to shoot my shot. This is an amazing opportunity and all credit to Black Twitter.”
Issa Rae in a statement to Vanity Fair

My absolut favorite part of this entire thing is that it’s FAN FICTION. It’s creatives sitting in front of their computer or on their phone fantasizing about their two fave’s starring in a movie together. And not just any movie but one where best friends Rihanna Fenty and Lupita Nyong’o scams white rich men together. It’s the full length Bitch Better Have My Money we’ve all been dreaming of!

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