It’s happening! Rihanna and Lupita in a Netflix exclusive!

11:35 22 Maj 2017

We just found out Rihanna and Lupita will indeed star in a Netflix exclusive! 

It’s a dream come true! Like HOW?! This genius made a tumblr post about it back in 2015, which then came to Twitter a couple of weeks ago and was seen by Lupita who tweeted Rih who answered and here we are with a soon to be realization of the fanfic. I LOVE IT SO MUCH I CAN HARDLY BREATH. And just as in the Twitter saga, Ava Duvernay will be the director and Issa Rae is in talks to write. Apparently negotiations went down at the Cannes Film Festival and Netflix came out on top. So very exciting and what kind of future do us Rihanna fans have ahead of us? Unreal.

Will end this with some gifs to illustrate my emotions upon receiving these news:


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  1. Deqi skriver:

    Off course this is some reason why western society fashion is so enormous and deep weight. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. Namaste


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