Rihanna at basketball games

2:22 4 Jun 2017

Some people find happiness in good food, computer games, books, yoga, cars etc. I find it in looking at Rihanna looking at basketball games. I’m not joking. I get happy for the NBA finals but only because I know we’ll get to see her getting involved courtside again. It’s amazing and probably not what my basketball crazy coach of a father had in the hopes for me.

The first game of the finals went down this past Thursday, and of course Rih was there. Another celeb in attending was Jay Z, who exposed himself as a fake laugher for photo ops and made the internet question everything we thought we saw when we’ve looked at happy pictures of him. It’s extremely funny and life changing at the same time. Look here:

But back to Fenty. She was GLOWING in what I can only assume is Fenty Beauty (to be released in September).

All eyes on her, obviously. Like when she bowed to LeBron and ended it with a dab to the spectator telling her to sit down.

You see how it’s always nicer with her around, right? Here’s a little look back at past outfits and moods from Rihanna sitting front row at games:

En kommentar | “Rihanna at basketball games”

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  1. Deqi skriver:

    Off course this is some reason why western society fashion is so enormous and deep weight. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. Namaste


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