40 shades of foundation – here’s the deets on Fenty Beauty

2:38 4 Sep 2017

Rihanna’s been busy in the DM:s today, giving us some more info about her upcoming Fenty Beauty launch. September 8 = drop day which is close enough for goose bumps to start forming on my body. I can’t help it, the excitement when she release a new project… Gah!! And we’ve known a make-up line is coming for sooooo long now, so the fact that we’re this close to being able to see it, feel it, try it on… I mean it’s magical for me, just imagine what Rihanna must be feeling.

But back to the messages. Here’s some info from today:

  1. We’ve learnt the products are NOT animal tested.

2. The foundations come in FORTY SHADES (40!!). This brings tears to my eyes honestly because HOW CAN IT HAVE TAKEN SO LONG AND BLESS HER FOR TAKING MATTERS INTO HER OWN HANDS.

Above messages was sent to devotedtorihanna on IG and if there’s any doubt about the truth in that (people always claim fans are disillusioned when we claim Rihanna actually talk to us online) she went in and liked the picture of the convo as well.

3. Photographers Inez & Vinoodh are the duo behind yesterday’s campaign video. Somewhat of a Fenty favorite, they also shot the FourFiveSeconds video, MAC Viva Glam campaign and cover stories for both AnOther and 032c Magazine.

4. Fenty Beauty will be sold at fentybeauty.com, Sephora and Harvey Nichols.

So no animal testing and foundations come in 40 shades… We want to know more. Like everything. And then some. But I guess we’re going to have to wait because Rih is a bit more mysterious with the rest of the details. Like her answer to Emma about whether or not she’ll be sending along tutorials with the products.


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