12:25 2 Nov 2017

As hinted on social media and billboards for a couple of days, N.E.R.D is coming out with new music and the first drop is a collaboration with Rihanna (who serves a 58 second rap verse)! The track called ”Lemon” came earlier today along with a video where Fenty is sitting on a hotel bed shaving dancer Mette Towley’s head before Towley takes off dancing alone in a market space:

Could this be what was made when Rih, Drake and Pharrell hit the studio in London back in 2016? I think so.

It’s not just us fans that’s been waiting patiently for this to be released, Missy Elliott got to hear the song some time ago and have been waiting ever since!

Yas! These random drops here and there is like a vitamin D injection to me. Rihanna hasn’t performed ONCE in 2017, yet continues to stay relevant and on top of the game. Movies, fashion, make-up, photo shoots, awards, philanthropy – she stays busy and I love all of it but new music (with possible future performances….?) gets me a liiiiittle bit more excited. ;)

En kommentar | “N.E.R.D & RIHANNA – LEMON”

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  1. Deqi skriver:

    Off course this is some reason why western society is so enormous and deep weight. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. Namaste

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