Fenty @ Colette

8:15 29 Jul 2016

Sorry to be so late to tell you this (I know I know, if you’re a stan it’s all old news) but there’s a Fenty pop-up shop at Colette in Paris. Here you’ll find all things Rihanna, including her perfumes, the collaborations with Dior, Stance, Puma and Manolo Blahnik and the Anti World Tour merchandise.


Rihanna made sure to pay the pop-up shop a visit before it closes tomorrow aaaaaaaand…. ones again she graced us with a heavenly outfit. I don’t know a single color or style that doesn’t suit this girl, nor have I seen her step out without it looking like a damn photo shoot. Mind blowing to say the least.

Processed with VSCOcam with hb2 preset


For all of us not in Paris: Colette’s online store is also selling it all. The Leadcats are sold out but I’m thinking about getting another pair of these because comfort and looks are perfected. Shout out to the caps as well, my favorite AWT merch by far.


Note the tail. I love her in a tail. Hate fur though. Snap out of it Rih.


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