Badgal finishes the European leg of her tour in AW16 Fenty x Puma and announces next single

10:43 22 Aug 2016

Rihanna performed her last show in Europe last night, at V Fest in England. Rihanna got up on stage in her own AW16 Fenty x Puma collection. Rihanna went out with a bang.


The collection, which features Rihanna’s close friend Naomi Campbell as the face of it’s campaign, will be in stores September 6. The pictures of Naomi are as fierce as they are edgy – everything they both stand for.


I gotta say nothing compares to seeing the collection on Rihanna though. There’s plenty of pieces we’re all gonna want to wear, but I’m not sure who’s going to be able to pull it off after seeing how it could be done:

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Not to mention this promo pic PUMA just released….


While struck by her looks and this collection, I’m also so very sad that she’ll be leaving Europe now. It’s been amazing having her here and I’m scared we’ll have to wait another 3 years for it to happen again (even if I don’t think we’ll have to wait that long for the next album).

I’ve gotten to catch 4 shows myself and all of them were such an experience. The first set with Woo, Bitch Better Have My Money, Pour It Up, Numb, Birthday Cake etc was the highlight for me. It’s the ultimate party track and Rihanna looks so happy to perform each and every song. My second favorite set is the forth and final one (it can’t be number 1 when you know the show is about to end tbh). It’s the part of the show where she gets to shine, vocally and artistically, and there’s absolutely no doubt of how proud she is of the songs in it.

After the show last night, Rihanna revealed what her next single is going to be and to no one’s surprise it’s the already infamous Love on the brain. This song became a fan favorite as soon as ANTi dropped and has just continued to grow on us, her and the general audience with every performance.

Finally it’s becoming an official single, the forth off of ANTi.


A video posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on

On behalf of the entire navy I’d like to say THANK YOU for visiting us Rihanna! We’ve made so many memories together and for this we’re forever grateful. <3



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