RECASTING: Rihanna as Aphrodite

3:34 25 Aug 2016

Latest in the growing list of creatives incorporating Rihanna into their work is REILLY, a Royal College of Art graduate and London based artist mostly known for his illustrations and graphic art. His piece entitled Rihanna (2015) will be part of the upcoming exhibition called ”RECASTING” at Cambridge University Museum of Classical Archaeology. The show which ”aims to provoke conversations between the classical tradition and the art of the present” will be open to the public September 5th – October 15th.


Much of REILLY‘s work is about deconstructing celebrities, myths, pop culture, art and fashion. A good example of what this might look like would be ”Hybreed”, a series in which portraits of celebrities are layered on top of each other. Or ”15 seconds”, ”Rollercoaster” and the 2015 series called ”Pieter”, in which the image of Rihanna and Aphrodite of Knidos was first seen alongside celebrities as Adele, Micheal Jackson, Obama and Amy Winehouse mutated into classic sculptures, paintings and each other. Much like Juan Sebastián Peláez and his mythical ewaipanomas, right?

I love to come across artists that, much like myself, has this fascination with celebrities (and specifically Rihanna). A scroll down at REILLY’s Instagram is such a treat.

What do you think of Rihanna hanging in yet a museum? I’d say for a 28 year old gal from Barbados, it’s pretty cool.


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