A post on everything (or most) things going on in Rihanna’s life right now

3:53 28 Sep 2017

There’s been so much going on and I haven’t been writing about any ot if – I KNOW. Fenty x Puma show, Diamond Ball, Fenty Beauty launches, clapbacks, tweets to Trump and a lot of fan interaction. It’s a magical time to be a Rihanna fan. It’s also very stressful time to be me. I have 4 deadlines coming up before December while also studying full time, meaning my life is a bit hectic. Compared to Rihanna it’s nothing though. Like I said, she has been busy and I very much cherish and see everything. Like Beyoncé and her at the Diamond Ball together:

A dream come true <3 I get so happy everytime I see them supporting each other. This was the third annual Diamond Ball for the Clara Lionel Foundation and the first time the event was held in New York City.

In the spirit of giving back and organizing for change, RiRi has also been busy tweeting Donald Trump these past days about his complete ignorance and refusal to help with the disaster that’s still happening in Puerto Rico. Rumor has it if he replies negatively in any way a revolution will finally happen…

On to the Fenty Beauty launches! New York, London, Paris and Madrid all got a visit – in that order.

My favorite look is the Madrid one. I’m on the floor everytime I see those pics. Mamacita!

Besides from Rihanna’s presence at them, the most exciting part of these launches was the London party for me. Five fans from the UK navy got invited and I can’t even begin to imagine what an experience that must have been. Dan, one of the sweetest fans I know, got to spend his night with Rih and I teared up watching to livestream.

Do you see how close they were?! At the same damn bar, at the same damn party, at the same damn time.

Have any of you gotten your hands on some Fenty Beauty btw? I’ve picked up a few things and am super happy about them all. Foundation sits beautifully, Trophy Wife is completely insane, Unicorn is fun and the gloss smells so good I could eat it.

Ok you know what, I thought I’d be able to cover everything that’s been going on with Rih lately in this post but it’s too much and I don’t want to rush it. Fenty x Puma will get it’s own post, in it’s own time. Just know part of the AW17 collection went on sale today! Available at the usual places, including Pumas website of course.


Oh! And I was interviewed by P3 about Rihanna yesterday. It’s a big thing they’re doing so it’ll probably take some time before it’s out but I’ll make sure to let you know when it happens (even if I’m panicking a bit over allt he things I forgot and all the blabbering).

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  1. Deqi skriver:

    Off course this is some reason why western society fashion is so enormous and deep weight. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. Namaste


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