Fenty x Puma SS18

2:33 2 Okt 2017

SS18 is Rihanna’s final collection for Puma. She went out with a bang, or on a bike, and have managed to pull off a real reboot of PUMA since she became the company’s women’s creative director back in 2014 (earnings went up 17% the first year alone).

I’ve tried to get something from each collection, first to wear but now it’s more of a collectors thing. I enjoy having the pieces in my home, even if I’ve found I don’t really wear them much. 1) they’re expensive and I’m kind of too scared to ruin them and 2) I’m a + size girl and Rihanna doesn’t really make + size clothing (for my body type at least). So I stick to the accessories, shoes, make-up etc. And on occasion a piece of clothing, I’m not gonna lie :)

still not over it…😱 #FENTYxPUMA SS18. In case ya missed it…

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Is there anything I want to get from the SS18 collection? Yes. Yes. Yes. Can I afford it? Nope. Do I think it’s gonna fit me? Doubtful. So I’ll wait until I can try the pieces on this time as there’s no point in consuming (ever) things I won’t wear, and can’t afford. Looking forward to seeing other people wear it all though! And Rihanna herself of course. Imagine that feeling, going to a club in clothes you designed, wearing your own make-up and listening to your own songs. Must be so surreal.

Selected looks from the Fenty x Puma SS18. Photos by Luca Tombolini / Indigital.tv via Vogue.

I think it’s pretty amazing she’s managed to pull this off in the midst of all her other projects (!). How does the woman get the time? And energy? And focus? A true inspiration.

En kommentar | “Fenty x Puma SS18”

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  1. Deqi skriver:

    Off course this is some reason why western society fashion is so enormous and deep weight. It is beautiful though. I love to read this series of blog. Namaste


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