Tjena gänget!
Min högsta dröm har alltid varit att ha en riktigt konstig julshow och imorgon händer det äntligen. Då gör jag och Henrik Nyblom en föreställning i Stockholm som heter ”Julsköj & Håkan Hellströms Frestelse”. Det är svårt att veta exakt vad det kommer bli men vi kommer skoja om julen och köra allsång med Håkan Hellströms låtar med omskrivna texter. Vi kommer ha husband på scen och det kommer bli ett sånt jävla drag. Så om du befinner dig i Stockholm imorgon söndag 18 december: kom förbi PSB 20.00. Det kostar 100 spänn i dörren.
Ha det bäst!
I’ve been having a hard time getting over and stop thinking of my ex. We’ve had a rough break up however it ended in a fake nice way. It’s been 3 months now however it feels like it was just yesterday. We’ve dated in total of 8 months. Before we’ve dated he was dating his ex fiance, a relationship that lasted 3 years. After 3 months of his ex fiance breaking up with him, he start dating me. Making me realize that I might have been a rebound. Most of our problems involved his ex fiance. Which makes me believe, that is his baggage. Currently he is dating someone else.
My point is, he was my first love (at least that’s what it feels like). It is eating me apart knowing he is happy with a new person and erased me from his life completely. I feel very broken. I’ve tried everything, getting social, active, travelling however at the end of the day my mind is like a magnet attracted into thinking of him and not understanding why has this happened. Blaming myself for not doing better…even though I’ve been told I’ve done nothing wrong.
but after i make email contact with Oduduwa every of my relationship crisis ended, it still remain a misery to me, my husband change attitude instantly with the help of Oduduwa Love-spell Casting, my husband came back home to apologize. today we both love each other without any complaint or arguments. we are happy and thankful to dr.oduduwa.