Varför du aldrig kan lita på en The Sims-spelare

4:22 4 Nov 2014

Jag älskar den här berättelsen. Det är precis det här som The Sims-spelarna brukar hänge sig åt. Bygga en pool och plocka bort stegen när dina simmar hoppat i. När jag besökte The Sims-utvecklarna i San Francisco för några år sedan hade de så många tortyrberättelser på lager att jag hade kunnat skriva en bok om det. Förstoringsglaset över myrstacken, fast gånger tusen. Och i ett datorspel (tack och lov). Men hur många psykopatiska heminredare har det här spelet skapat egentligen? Finns det något som helst hopp för mänskligheten?! VEM TÄNKER PÅ BARNEN?!

Nu har jag inte tid att skriva mer. Jag måste skjuta ihjäl fölk i nya Call of Duty. Precis som alla icke-skruvade gamers gör.

9 kommentarer | “Varför du aldrig kan lita på en The Sims-spelare”

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  1. Jone Martin skriver:

    When we met to an unknown person, we did not trust on them. You told me accurate about sim player, we should also avoid to them. Similarly, I am also providing you a Standard Cleaning Services in Phoenix AZ . You know well, We should keep clean our surrounding make it beautiful.

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  4. The notion that you can never trust a Sims player is likely a playful exaggeration or joke, as playing The Sims is a simulation game that allows players to control the lives of virtual characters. Here are a few light-hearted reasons why someone might humorously suggest not trusting a Sims player:

    1. **God-Like Control:**
    – Sims players have god-like control over the virtual lives of their simulated characters. They can dictate every aspect of their Sims’ existence, from their daily routines to their relationships and even their fate. This level of control can be a bit intimidating in a humorous context.

    2. **Creative Mischief:**
    – Sims players often enjoy experimenting with creative and sometimes mischievous scenarios. They might design unconventional houses, create bizarre relationships, or subject their Sims to unusual challenges just for entertainment.

    3. **Cruelty for Amusement:**
    – Some players find amusement in subjecting their Sims to humorous or even cruel situations. This might involve trapping them in swimming pools with no ladders, removing doors to rooms, or other creative (and often comical) forms of virtual mischief.

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  5. Alfalah Host skriver:

    You can never trust a The Sims player because they have mastered the art of creating intricate simulations where anything can happen, from sudden wealth to catastrophic disasters. Their creative freedom often leads to unpredictable and hilarious scenarios that can turn your virtual world upside down. Whether they’re playing as benevolent caretakers or mischievous puppeteers, their ability to manipulate Sims’ lives makes them formidable and entertaining adversaries in the gaming world.

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  7. Alfalah Books skriver:

    The Sims players have a penchant for orchestrating elaborate, sometimes sinister, social experiments within the game’s virtual world, blurring the lines between virtual and real-life ethics.

    Their propensity for meticulously constructing and controlling simulated lives fosters a unique detachment from conventional moral boundaries, raising concerns about their trustworthiness in real-world scenarios.

    With the ability to manipulate every aspect of their Sims’ existence, including relationships, finances, and even mortality, trusting a Sims player can sometimes feel akin to placing your fate in the hands of a digital puppeteer.

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  9. Allied materials skriver:

    In ”Why You Can Never Trust a The Sims Player,” Michael Gill cleverly dissects the intricate psychology behind the beloved simulation game’s players.
    With wit and astute observation, Gill exposes the inherent mischief and unpredictability lurking beneath the surface of seemingly innocent virtual worlds.
    Through entertaining anecdotes and insightful analysis, he unveils the complex motivations driving Sims players to manipulate, deceive, and even torment their virtual creations, challenging readers to reconsider their perceptions of gaming ethics.

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