Spelet som IKEA hatar (och så det Björn Borg älskar)

1:13 30 Jan 2015

Svensk design dess marknadsföring, va?

Höme Improvisåtion, så heter en snabbt prototypad och helt spelbar liten indiepärla jag snubblade över idag. Det går i korta drag ut på att försöka montera ihop IKEA-möbler. Det är gjort med ungefär lika hög seriositetsgrad som Surgeon Simulator – och det är ungefär lika svårt att få saker att passa ihop på slutet. Bordet Börk borde liksom inte vara supersvårt att bygga. Men på något sätt slutar det alltid med att ena bordsbenet är tre meter längre än resten.

First Person Lover är ett gamerflörtande reklamspel från Björn Borg. Här är tanken att du, en vältränad man/kvinna helt klädd i Björn Borg-under- samt överkläder, ska befria hatande människor från sina arga känslor. Det gör du med en pusspistol. Och en befriad, älskande människa måste naturligtvis också kläs i Björn Borg-kläder. Då blir de färgglada, muntra och struttar runt som idioter på stan. Reklamkampanjen har bland annat innehållit presentationsvideor som gjort sig lustig över spelmässefenomenet samt knutit till sig esportproffset Christopher Alesund.

Personligen hade jag ju roligast med Höme Improvisåtion (som du kan ladda ner här), men vill du testa First Person Lover gör du det här.

26 kommentarer | “Spelet som IKEA hatar (och så det Björn Borg älskar)”

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  1. tvmob skriver:

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  3. As of my last update in January 2022, I don’t have information about a specific game that IKEA hates. It’s possible that this is a recent development or a reference to a niche topic. For the latest information, please check recent news sources or specify the game you’re referring to for a more accurate response.

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  4. ”The game IKEA hates” is likely a playful or humorous reference to the challenges often associated with assembling furniture from IKEA. Many people find the assembly instructions and the process itself a bit challenging, leading to jokes and memes about the ”game” of assembling IKEA furniture. It’s a lighthearted way of acknowledging the sometimes-frustrating experience of putting together flat-packed items from the popular furniture retailer.

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  5. Alfalah Host skriver:

    The game that IKEA hates is a satirical take on the challenges of assembling furniture, blending humor with relatable frustrations. With its playful approach, the game sheds light on the universal experience of navigating DIY projects, garnering attention for its comedic spin on everyday struggles. Despite IKEA’s potential disdain, the game resonates with many who have faced the infamous furniture assembly woes.

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  6. Alfalah Books skriver:

    ”The Game IKEA Hates” unveils a captivating juxtaposition between corporate disapproval and creative endorsement, sparking intrigue and controversy.

    As Björn Borg champions the forbidden game, a rebellious spirit emerges, challenging conventions and embracing the unexpected.

    This unlikely alliance between fashion and gaming captures attention, igniting conversations on branding, innovation, and the power of unconventional partnerships.

    With each twist and turn, the game’s allure grows, drawing players into a world where rules are meant to be broken and imagination reigns supreme.

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  7. Allied materials skriver:

    The game that IKEA despises but Björn Borg adores is the sport of tennis.
    While IKEA may not have a specific aversion to tennis itself, the sport’s association with large, space-consuming equipment such as rackets and nets contradicts IKEA’s minimalist ethos and focus on space-saving furniture solutions.
    Conversely, Björn Borg, a legendary tennis player, holds a deep love for the sport due to his successful career and continued involvement in the tennis community.
    This contrast highlights the diverse interests and perspectives within the realm of sports and lifestyle brands

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  8. ”SPELET SOM IKEA HATAR” är en känd term som refererar till det populära spelserien ”Minecraft”. Tidigare, under en kampanj, förklarade IKEA att de inte gillade spelet då det saknade en ”Minecraft”-säng. Detta ledde till humoristiska reaktioner från fans och skapade en rolig kontrovers kring spelets popularitet och IKEAs varumärke.

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  9. ”The Game Ikea Hates” garners attention as it challenges traditional furniture retail models, while earning admiration from Björn Borg for its innovative approach.

    With its disruptive concept, the game sparks discussions about the intersection of gaming, marketing, and consumer culture.

    As players engage with the unconventional experience, it prompts reflection on the evolving nature of branding and commerce in the digital age.

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    Unveiling the game that ruffles IKEA’s feathers, Björn Borg embraces controversy with a strategic marketing coup that captures attention.

    With playful defiance, Björn Borg champions its unconventional approach, turning heads and winning hearts with its boldness.

    As IKEA frowns upon the unexpected partnership, Björn Borg thrives on the thrill of disruption, fueling intrigue and admiration from fans worldwide.

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  11. Crafts Emporium skriver:

    Unveiling the game that ruffles IKEA’s feathers, Björn Borg embraces controversy with a strategic marketing coup that captures attention.

    With playful defiance, Björn Borg champions its unconventional approach, turning heads and winning hearts with its boldness.

    As IKEA frowns upon the unexpected partnership, Björn Borg thrives on the thrill of disruption, fueling intrigue and admiration from fans worldwide.

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