Black girls rock! acceptance speech

4:14 6 Apr 2016

I’m sitting here SOBBING. BET’s Black girls rock! aired last night and I just watched Rihanna’s acceptance speech for her Rock star award. It’s the most heartfelt and natural speech I’ve ever seen her give. And when praising her speech, the context in which it is being delivered can’t be ignored. What a difference an including space can make. She’s always sassy, sharp and genuine but too many times have I seen that not being received as it should by those listening (or not listening). Here, she’s celebrated and respected in a way that leaves me all fuzzy inside.

Like when she says ”and you know, role model is not the title they like to give me, you know” and the audience starts screaming and clapping for her… Like ok, I’m crying again. It’s so obvious the they is not present in this room. That the they is society, the industry, Lena Dunham or whatever white privilege is speaking on behalf of their own agenda. To not have they present or in a minority means to be recognized. That’s what a community does, it sees and validates you, and I just feel like she should have been validated a thousand times before instead of being asked the same tiring questions on why she doesn’t take responsibility with setting an example for her young fans. Because honestly, she always has.

But racism and classism still affects public as well as private spaces and that is of course beyond depressing. So remember to keep your inclusiveness close and whenever you feel like the walls are closing in on you – find a separatist room that will tear them down and surround you with the acceptance you deserve. It does miracles. It allows you to be yourself and that is half the battle.

Bonus: Hillary Rodham Clinton getting the opposite reception from the audience, including Rihanna (who’s sitting front row with her assistent Jennifer).




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