PUMA – The Fur Slide in Scandinavia

10:23 23 Apr 2016

Are you as in love with The Fur Slide as we are?! With a world wide release yesterday, April 22nd, they crashed PUMA’s website and sold out immediately. As of now, they’re sold out at almost every reseller as well. The general public is hungry for them!


We’ve seen that a lot of people from especially Norway, Sweden and Denmark has been asking about them and where you can buy them so here are some websites that still have them in stock.

YMEa norwegian site, will soon have them for re-stock.

Footisha swedish site, have the black and white slides for 699:- right now. Go cop them!

Sheltaalso a swedish site, have the white for 699:-. COP!

Nakeda danish site, have all the colours for 600.-

Good luck copping your Fur Slides!



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