Rihanna honors Prince

8:51 22 Apr 2016

Rihanna pays tribute to the world wide legend Prince that sadly passed away yesterday. Here she is, dedicating her song Diamonds to him in Calgary, Canada.

”Today is a very sad day in music”, she starts. “A sad day to music lovers, musicians, fans all over the world who lost one of the greatest legends, Prince. We will miss you. A lot of us have started making music and listening to music because of Prince, so right now I just wanna honor him, me and my crew, and you guys. Let’s shine some light to heaven for Prince right now.”

To honor him even more, she lit up the entire arena with purple lights.

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Here she is, back in 2011, during her LOUD Tour, covering one of Prince’s songs, Darling Nikki. The song was a part of the tour in North America and Europe.

You’ll be missed, Prince.



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