AWT Special moments: Amsterdam

1:41 18 Jun 2016

The European leg of the tour has finally started! Tonight, Rihanna performed in Amsterdam. Here are some highlights/moments from the show:

To show her support to the LGBT community and the victims of the Orlando shooting she changed the colors during some of her songs.



In huge news: there’s new tour merch! 


Like the U.S leg, she starts the show of by singing Stay on her walk (through the audience) to stage B:


From what we’ve heard, the setlist hasn’t changed one bit. The glass bridge and stage B were still there and she had the same outfits, but with a change of hair color. DJ Mustard was set to perform before Big Sean but his flight got delayed so he couldn’t make it. Instead he joined Sean on stage upon arrival.

Now, look at how greeeeeaaat the Amsterdam Navy looks:


Looks like everybody had a great time at the show, we cannot wait for more!



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