Rihanna takes Amsterdam

2:49 21 Jun 2016

It seems like the fans had a great time at the first ever European AWT date. And so did Rihanna. Other than performing at the stadium she took the opportunity to spend some time in the city, visiting the Anne Frank-museum, meeting up with super model Cara Delevingne and biking through Amsterdam.


She also visited a famous dance school called Lucia Martha’s Institute For Performing Arts. There, Rihanna’s choreographer HiHat posted a video of her and Rih dancing to This Is What You Came For.

Marley writes:

”Well there were some rumors that Rih was rehearsing at my school (Lucia Marthas Institute For Performing Arts) and I didn’t believe them at first. When HiHat posted that video I recognized the studio instantly, that was MY school and Rih was there and I wasn’t. My school is close to Rih’s hotel and is also worldwide known (a big name in the dance industry) so it actually makes sense.”

Perhaps they’re rehearsing a new choreography for AWT to add to the Dublin date happening tomorrow? Let’s hope they add Nothing’s promised and Too Good too!


Rihanna also made sure to greet some of her fans while staying in Amsterdam. Danique tells us:

”A fan spotted her van, so we went to that spot. We were 4 fans in total. She walked out the door and started talking to her crew first. So later she turned around to us and I asked her if she could sign my ANTI CD and she walked towards us. I told her my Twitter name and she responded to it, like she recognized it. So there was a little convo where she told me ‘I looked so cute!’. I showed her my Pon De Replay single and she was cheesin’ so hard when she saw it and responed with: ‘Yas, thank you!’. She signed a few more things like Creepers and another ANTI CDs from other fans. We told her to have a great time and enjoy it. We were really calm and you could tell that they really liked that, we got some thumbs up from her security after our meeting with her. We were also told that we weren’t allowed to post anything yet on social media because she wanted to stay lowkey as long as possible. Well, ‘weren’t allowed’ sounds too harsh. It was more that they asked if we could wait and not put it out there on social media right away. We respected that, so we posted our story in the evening when we actually met her that afternoon.

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