Rihanna and Calvin Harris drops video for ”This Is What You Came For”

9:18 17 Jun 2016

Yaaaaaaasssss!!! The video for This Is What You Came For is finally here! And we love it.

It’s almost been five years since the two collaborated with their smashing hit We Found Love and now it was time for another EDM hit with influences from house music. The song, written by Calvin himself and Nils Sjöberg, was released via radio stations on April 29th. The song debuted at number 9 on Billboard Hot 100, becoming Rihanna’s 28th top 10 hit, surpassing Stevie Wonder and making her the forth artist with the most top 10 hits of all time. The song is currently number 7 on the BH100.


The video for This Is What You Came For features Rihanna in an open box in the middle of nowhere with images projected on the inside walls. We see Rihanna dancing in the forest, the desert and at a party all by herself while looking absolutely adorable. The video is directed by Emil Nava, a music video director that has been working several times with Harris before and other artists such as Selena Gomez, Ed Sheeran, Tove Lo, Alesso, Ne-Yo and Jessie J. However, this is the first time he collaborates with RiRi.

Watch the video below and download the song here:

iTunes: http://smarturl.it/CH.iTunes?IQid=YT
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/0azC730Exh71aQlOt9Zj3y


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