Running into Rih

7:02 12 Jun 2016

Rebekkah ran into Rihanna on the streets of NYC the other day and decided it was too big of a deal to not vent about so here’s her story:

She’s a GODDESS.. Rihanna that is. On Sunday, somehow some way, I randomly ran into her and life just hasn’t been the same. Prior to this, I’ve seen Rihanna many times in person (premeditated of course) so since this run in was completely at random, it legit means so much more!

It all went down like this; I decided to go to lunch with a friend at one of my favorite Italian restaurants which just so happened to be next to Da Silvano (which was closed). We ate and then decided to walk around SoHo. While walking there, Rihanna’s apartment was along the route so as we walked by, I noticed her car wasn’t there. I said to my friend ”aw, Rih must be out.” After that, we got pretty tired so we started to walk to the train station to go home. On the street before the train, there was a HUGE crowd standing in front of the MAC store so of course I figured there was a celebrity inside. I heard a girl whisper ”omg Rihanna is in there” while I was walking by. I completely stopped, turned around, looked through the window, saw queen, died a little, then waited for her to come out. With my ”luck” so were 50 other people who found out she was in there. I texted Rayven (@sheberayven__) and Bermuda (@thottiepebbles) to tell them to FaceTime me and right when Bermuda called, Rih walked out…

Everyone freaked out. I mean obnoxiously putting phones in her face, grabbing her, and pushing. I felt so bad for her and mostly embarrassed for them. I’m not gonna lie, I kinda freaked out too but on the inside. I was standing RIGHT next to her for like 5 seconds just getting my life and then she got in the car and drove off. It lasted 10 seconds but these memories will last a lifetime. What a time to be a stan!

Here are the live tweets I tweeted when it happened and a pap shot:

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