Fangirls in the media

12:12 6 Aug 2016

There’s been a lot of good coverage of fangirls, Rihanna fans especially, lately! P4 Malmöhus interviewed me for the Malmö show and I was so pleasantly surprised by the reporter’s questions and most of all research. Unlike the experience with SVT, which was a slut shaming mess, we had an interesting and nice conversation that could have lasted a lot longer had we been given the chance. I was also happy to see Melina pop up both here and there that day. So deserving.

And then there’s i-D’s story on Rihanna navy! Omg I’m so proud to get to witness my friends serving such looks and insights!!! Rebekkah, Eric, Sebastian… my heart got so warm reading the piece. What a fanbase we are. <3

Eric Nathaniel in i-D, photographed by Eric Chakeen.

In a similar article Ametist Azordegan interviews the Swedish beyhive for Bon. Ametist is queen tbh, I have such respect for her as a journalist and this did not disappoint. It’s not the navy but it’s fangirls and a I see there’s a lot of similarities between the fanbases tbh, even though they fight a lot. I blame that on patriarchy and capitalism though, putting women (and especially women of color) against each other in some pointless competition where no one ever wins besides the haters and profiteers.


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